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Applications and Techniques for Use in Design, Manufacturing, and Inspection


Lesson 1 of 12: The Major Principles
This 70 minute CD-ROM or DVD covers the major principles of geometric tolerancing. While tolerancing a simple 2-part assembly, Jim Meadows discusses the following topics: 
Plus and Minus Tolerancing as it Relates to Profile and Position Tolerancing 
Converting from Plus and Minus to Position Tolerancing to Avoid Ambiguities 
Selecting Datum Features  
Tolerancing Datum Features  
General Rules of Tolerancing  
Calculating Geometric Tolerances  
Worst Case Boundaries for Tolerancing Analysis  
Minimum Wall Thickness Calculations  
Maximum and Least Material Conditions  
Virtual and Resultant Conditions  
Basic Dimensions and Where Their Tolerances Come From  
How to Tolerance without Too Much Symbology  

Lesson 2 of 12: Tolerancing Mating Parts in a Rotating Assembly
This 63 minute CD-ROM or DVD is a powerful learn-while-doing training session. 
While tolerancing a crankshaft and coupling assembly, Mr. Meadows discusses the following topics:
Criteria for Optimum Datum Feature Selection  
Form Controls for Assembly and Inspection Repeatability  
Orientation Controls for Datum Feature Interrelationships  
The Definition and Use of Positional Controls  
How to Calculate and Distribute Tolerances throughout an Assembly  
Tolerancing for Assemblability and Balance  
The Difference between Bonus Tolerance and Pattern Shift  
The Effect of Maximum Material Condition Symbols after Datum Features of Size and Uniformity of Assembly Airspace and Balance in a Rotating Assembly  
Tolerancing Threaded Holes and the Use and Inspection of Projected Tolerance Zones  
What the Geometric Characteristics Really Control 

Lesson 3 of 12: Direct vs. Indirect Datum Structures
This 50 minute CD-ROM or DVD explores various datum structures and their effect on the availability of tolerances while tolerancing a three-part assembly. Topics discussed include 
Direct vs. Indirect Functional Relationships  
Tolerancing for Producibility and Functionality  
The Goal of Datums in Inspection and Assembly  
How to Choose between Datum Structures  
How to Mathematically Calculate the Feasibility of Various Datum Schemes 
Consistency in Geometric Controls from Part to Part in an Assembly  
Weighing One Geometric Control Against Another for Suitability  
How to Spot Similarities in Dissimilar Part Configurations  
How to Lower Cost without Adversely Affecting Functionality and Ability to Assemble Mating Features  
Comparison of Coaxiality Controls and How to Choose Between Them 

Lesson 4 of 12: The Basics of Symbology
This 46 minute CD-ROM or DVD covers the meaning of, and various inspection procedures for, controls of form, orientation, profile, runout and location. It addresses the basic questions of: "What does it mean?" and "How do I inspect it?" Topics discussed include: 
Dimension Origin vs. Profile of a Surface  
Circularity, Cylindricity, Circular Runout  
Total Runout  
Compound Datums and Concentricity 

Lesson 5 of 12: Allowed vs. Actual Deviation from True Position: Bonus Tolerancing and Virtual Condition Boundaries
This 38 minute CD-ROM or DVD uses imagery and storytelling to convey the functional reasons behind the growth of geometric tolerance zones as features are produced at varying sizes. It covers the logic of the concept of Maximum Material Condition and the functional worst mating boundaries created and protected. This session is a combination of calculations to determine how far from perfect a feature has been produced versus how far from geometric perfection it may stray before it fails to function. Topics discussed include: 
Calculating Bonus Tolerances  
How to Read a Feature Control Frame to Determine Part Function  
Calculating Actual Deviation from True Position  
Determining if Features have Violated their Geometric Tolerances  
Assessing Spherical Features for Compliance with Spherical Tolerance Zones  
Protecting Virtual Condition Boundaries, and  
How Additional Geometric Tolerances Derived from Feature Size Limits Relate to Worst Mating Condition Boundaries 

Lesson 6 of 12: Profile, Flexible Parts and Datum Targets
This 74 minute CD-ROM or DVD uses a wide variety of complex geometric configurations to show the viewer how to choose datums and tolerancing schemes for sheet metal and plastic parts as well as other parts with multiple curvatures and angles. It discusses free state variation and restrained versus free state inspection requirements. Topics discussed include: 
      Profile of a Line  
      Profile of a Surface  
      Unilateral, Equal Bilateral and Unequal Bilateral Profile Tolerances  
      Varying Tolerances from Segment to Segment on Surfaces  
      Inspection Procedures for Profile Controls  
      Basic Dimensions for Size, Shape, Angle, and Location Toleranced  by Profile  
      All Around and All Over Controls  
      Eliminating Tolerance Accumulation  
      Tolerancing Curved Mating Features for Fit  
      Measuring Parts as They Function  
      Implying a Manufacturing Sequence  
      Simultaneous vs. Separate Gaging Requirements  
      Pattern Shift with Simultaneous Requirements  
      Orienting all Part Features to Each Other  
      Amoebae Shaped Parts  
      Fixturing and Stabilizing Parts in Presses  
      Patterns of Features as Datums  
      Compound Pattern Datums  
      Poka-yoke (Foolproofing)  
      Fixtures as Gages  
      Functional Gage Tolerancing  
      Datum Targets  
      Points, Lines and Areas  
      Dimension Origin Controls  
      Step Datums  
      Castings and Draft Angle  
      Sheet Metal/Complex Flexible Parts  
      Plastic Parts  
      Restrained vs. Free State Requirements  
      Boundary Concept  
      Automobile Panels  
      P.C. Boards 

Lesson 7 of 12: Tolerancing Fixed Fastener Assemblies and Calculating Boundaries 
This 52 minute CD-ROM or DVD helps the viewer to become comfortable with calculating geometric tolerances for mating features in fixed fastener assemblies. It shows all pertinent formulas and relates the process of part tolerancing and geometric control sequencing to manufacturing and gaging procedures. As with almost every session in this series, this session is completely applications-based. The participant learns by doing. Topics discussed include: 
Calculating Geometric Tolerances for Mating Features in Assemblies  
How to Relate the Job of Tolerancing to Manufacturing Procedures  
How to Design Gages to Inspect Geometric Part Definitions  
How Visualizing Gages Can Help to Understand Functionality  
How to Read Feature Control Frames as though they were Sentences Describing How Parts Function 
Shifting Patterns of Mating Features vs. Growing Tolerance Zone Sizes  
Fixed Fastener Situations and How to Tolerance them  
How to Rework Parts to bring Them into Tolerance 

Lesson 8 of 12: Tolerancing Floating Fastener Assemblies With Two Single-Segment Positional Controls 
This 48 minute CD-ROM or DVD focuses on the logic of datum feature selection and the cost-effective use of multi-level positional controls. Using a floating fastener assembly with radial hole patterns, Mr. Meadows introduces the methodical process of applying deductive reasoning to optimize geometric product definition. Topics discussed include: 
What a Floating Fastener Situation Is  
How to Calculate the Tolerances  
Selecting the Best Datum Features  
The Four Criteria for Datum Selection  
Line Geometry/Relating Axes Radially to a Datum Axis for Angle and Distance 
Considering All Spatial Degrees of Freedom  
Rotation and Translation of Axes  
Implied vs. Specified Datums  
Datums for Ease of Part Setup during Inspection  
The Logical Selection of Each Geometric Control and Datum Feature for Ease of Manufacture  
Geometric Definition for a Sensible Manufacturing Sequence  
Datum Feature Accessibility  
Refining and Optimizing Geometric Controls for Greater Yields  
The Two-Step Approach for Functionality and Cost Reduction  
Datum Features at Maximum Material Condition  
Equal vs. Unequal Airspace in Assemblies  
Two Single-Segment Positional Controls  
Moving Tolerance Zones within Stationary Tolerance Zones  
Composite vs. Two Single-Segment Positional Controls  
Separately Verifiable Controls  
Zero Positional Tolerancing at Maximum Material Condition



Lesson 9 of 12: Tolerancing Complex Assemblies with Multi-Level Geometric Controls and Varying Datum Structures 
This 59 minute CD-ROM or DVD focuses on the application of appropriate datum structures and geometric tolerances to a part that is both challenging and realistic. Participants are treated to a detailed analysis of the optimal use of datums and geometric controls that escalate in sophistication as the product definition progresses from beginning to end. 
Form, orientation and location controls are added in what is determined to be the most functional and producible approach possible. Tolerances are calculated and distributed between three parts in this assembly. Geometric controls are converted to multi-level/two single-segment controls for cost reduction and compatible mating conditions. Tolerances are analyzed and minimum wall thicknesses protected. 
New formulas are introduced for analysis and worst case boundaries for the first time in this session. Datum structures are changed for direct tolerancing relationships throughout the assembly for ease of manufacture, functional inspection and to produce the greatest yield of functional parts. This session is jam-packed with new information and reinforcement of previously discussed concepts. Exciting and fun! 
[NOTE: This CD-ROM or DVD discusses some of the most critical and difficult concepts of geometric definition. We recommend viewing it in sequence to avoid confusion.
Topics discussed are: 
Varying Datum Structures  
Multi-Level Geometric Controls  
Projected Tolerance Zones for Threaded Holes  
Manufacturing Sequencing through Geometric Symbology 
Form, Orientation and Location Controls Properly Sequenced  
Distributing Tolerances Throughout the Assembly  
Pattern Shift with Datum Features at Maximum Material Condition  
Tight Tolerances to Critical Datums and Looser Tolerances to Less Critical Datums  
Multiple Virtual Condition Boundaries  
Minimum Wall Thickness Calculations  
The Key Questions to Ask That Lead One to the Optimum Controls  
Two Single-Segment Positional Controls vs. Composite Positional Tolerancing 
Zero Positional Tolerancing at MMC  
Linear Logic of Geometric Product Definition 

Lesson 10 of 12: Composite vs. Two Single-Segment Controls for Position and Profile
This 63 minute CD-ROM or DVD addresses a wide variety of new and complex geometric principles found in the latest revision of ASME Y14.5M-1994. The most sweeping change in this new standard is the redefinition of Composite Tolerancing and the added concept of Two Single-Segment Controls for Position and their extension to the concept of Profile Tolerancing. This session devotes its attention to thoroughly explaining each control, the rules, the differences and how they can accomplish geometric control never before available. It also employs the deductive reasoning skills of participants to logically deduce the meaning of these controls on complex part configurations. Topics discussed include: 
Composite Positional Tolerancing  
Feature Relating Tolerance Zone Frameworks  
Pattern Locating Tolerance Zone Frameworks  
The Dreaded Hypotenuse Effect  
Rotating Patterns of Tolerance Zones  
Composite Tolerancing and Orientation Only Datums  
Two Single-Segment Positional Controls  
Tighter Tolerances of Distance to One Datum Only  
The Essence of Position  
How to Keep One Set-up for Multiple Controls  
Position without Datums  
The Relative Strength of Various Geometric Characteristics  
Tolerance Zone Paths of Movement vs. Tolerance Zone Configurations  
ASME Y14.5M-1994 vs. ANSI Y14.5M-1982  
Deductive Reasoning on Complex Geometries  
Radial Hole Patterns  
Slots as Angular Orientation Datums  
The Logic of Geometric Tolerancing  
The Strict Rules of Composite Tolerancing  
Centerplane Datums and Their Set-up for Simulation  
The Essence of Profile  
Profile All-Around  
Composite Profile Tolerancing  
Multiple Tolerance Zones for Irregular Features  
Two-Single-Segment Profile Controls 

Lesson 11 of 12: Converting from Plus And Minus To Composite Position and Wall Thickness Calculations 
This 73 minute CD-ROM or DVD is an applications-based training session that uses a variety of assemblies and part geometric configurations to show participants how to convert from plus and minus tolerancing to Composite Positional Tolerancing. It also shows how to calculate functional and cost-saving geometric tolerances, then analyze the tolerances for clearance, interference and minimum wall thickness.
Topics discussed include: 
The Ambiguity of Plus and Minus tolerancing  
Floating Fastener Situations  
Establishing Functional Datum Features  
Tighter Tolerances Between Features Within a Pattern than to the Datums  
Converting from Plus and Minus to Composite Positional Tolerancing  
Criteria for Datum Precedence and Usage  
Tolerance Zone Descriptions  
Material Condition Symbols  
What Each Level of Control Tolerances  
Calculating and Testing Tolerances  
Bonus Tolerances  
Determining Geometric Tolerances and Calculating Minimum Wall Thickness  
Setting Minimum Wall Thickness, then Calculating Pattern Locating Geometric Tolerances from Them  
Zeroing Out a Composite Positional Control for Greater Yields  
Redistributing Tolerances Between Size Limits and Geometric Controls  
The Effect of Size on Form and Wall Thickness  
Angular Tolerances and How They Effect Wall Thickness  
Optimizing Complex Controls Without Changing the Worst Case Boundaries  
Differences Between Composite Position and Two-Single-Segment Positional Controls  
Problem and Causal Statements  
Sequential Controls of Form and Orientation for Geometric Definition and Problem Solving  
Making Tolerance Analysis Easy  
Positional Coaxiality  
Centerplane Datums  
Position With and Without Datums 

Lesson 12 of 12: Complex Tolerancing Using Various Datum Structures
This 73 minute CD-ROM or DVD explores a wide variety of datum structures for ease of set-up in manufacturing and inspection and optimal interrelationships of functional features. It discusses patterns of holes used to create datum reference frames. It demonstrates the enormous power of creating simultaneous gaging requirements. 
Participants are taught to use geometric controls and datum structures to dimension 
and tolerance complex curved surfaces that mate with other complex curvatures, while additional features such as holes and shafts must simultaneously mate. 
Centerplane and centering mating features on parts in an assembly are also shown. All concepts are reinforced through problem solving using a logical approach to geometric tolerancing. Topics discussed include: 
Profile of a Surface on an Irregular Surface  
Positioning of Hole Patterns  
Datum Targets  
Direct vs. Indirect Relationships  
Patterns of Holes as Datum Features  
Virtual Condition Boundaries  
Unilateral Profile Tolerancing All-Around Controls  
Centroids of Revolution of Groups of Features  
Methods of Profile Inspection  
Secondary and Tertiary Datum Features of Size  
The Relative Power of Various Datum Structures  
Angular Orientation  
Compound Datum Features of Size vs. Secondary and Tertiary Datum Holes 
Datum Structuring for Ease of Inspection  
Fixturing and Gaging Visualization Techniques for Geometric Understanding  
Immobilizing all Spatial Degrees of Part Freedom  
The Power of Datum Precedence  
Gage Pin Configurations/Cylindrical vs. Diamond  
Compound Planar Datum Features  
Simultaneous Gaging Requirements to Gain Direct Geometric Relationships  
Creative Tolerancing Schemes for Ease of Inspection and Optimal Power of Interrelationship  
Indicating Specific Features for Clarity of Control  
Pattern Shift Because of Datum Features Referenced at Maximum Material Condition  
Separate Gaging Requirements  
Sequential Creation of Geometric Definitions  
Interrelating All Datum Features Before Using Them in Tandem 



If you have any questions about GD&T training, books, workbooks, tests or DVDs,

please reach out to James D. Meadows & Associates, Inc., at (615) 924-3600. 


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